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DBname: awanonymous project: ALL
Processing Details
creation_date 2017-03-25 05:05:25
is_valid 1
quality_flags 0
Privileges 4
Observational Details
EXPTIME   mag_id SloanU
max_exptime   AIRMSTRT  
exposures 5 AIRMEND  
OBJECT   R.A. None
obs_name Calibration Dec. None
obs_start 2017-03-24 11:58:39 obs_id 574184
PI_COI_id 52038 program_id 60.A-9038(A)
of Instrument
2048 X 4100 pixel
Preview of Cal-JDEJONG-OMEGACAM-------OCAM_u_SDSS-ESO_CCD_#87---Cold-Pix-57837.2120937-0439e4d4f55d04bf3d8850d28a581eecbfa891a7.fits.gz
is_valid =   
Predefined comments (select all that apply):
OBS-star trails  OBS-electronic noise  OBS-reflections  OBS-additional diffused light  OBS-extended background artifacts  OBS-trends in FWHM  OBS-individual detector issue
PROC-residual satellite tracks  PROC-excessive pixel noise  PROC-fringe residuals  PROC-weightmap unusual  PROC-poor flat correction  PROC-poor bias correction  PROC-edge vignetting  PROC-systematic background variation  PROC-trends in FWHM  PROC-poor source alignment

COADD-electronic noise  COADD-excessive pixel noise  COADD-fringe residuals  COADD-weightmap unusual  COADD-poor flat correction  COADD-poor bias correction  COADD-edge vignetting  COADD-systematic background variation
MASK-reflections  MASK-additional diffused light  MASK-extended background artifacts  MASK-manual-satellite tracks  MASK-manual-reflections  MASK-manual-edge vignetting  MASK-manual-electronic noise  MASK-manual-other  MASK-auto-star halos  MASK-auto-spikes  MASK-auto-bad pixels  MASK-auto-other
EXTRACT-residual satellite tracks  EXTRACT-spurious features  EXTRACT-unusual stellar locus  EXTRACT-poor S/G separation  EXTRACT-suspect mag limit  EXTRACT-uncertain completeness mag


The one field and each checkbox in the form above submit an individual comment (e.g., minimum 0 comments, maximum 1+49 comments.)

is_valid quality_flags DATE_OBS Chip OBJECT RA DEC EXPTIME AIRMASS creation_date Quality
Source DomeFlatFrame
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-03-25 05:05:22 quality

is_valid quality_flags DATE_OBS Chip OBJECT RA DEC EXPTIME AIRMASS creation_date Quality
16 Derived ReducedScienceFrame
1 0 2017-03-24 02:50:44 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_170.5_2.5 170.47340 2.47788 250.0 1.172 2017-08-02 02:32:05 quality
1 0 2017-03-24 02:55:39 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_170.5_2.5 170.48034 2.50150 250.0 1.165 2017-08-02 02:31:24 quality
1 0 2017-03-24 03:00:37 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_170.5_2.5 170.48729 2.52511 250.0 1.159 2017-08-02 02:30:42 quality
1 0 2017-03-24 03:05:32 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_170.5_2.5 170.46645 2.45427 250.0 1.152 2017-08-02 02:32:51 quality
1 0 2017-03-24 04:05:23 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_188.5_2.5 188.52354 2.47788 250.0 1.168 2017-08-02 01:03:52 quality
1 0 2017-03-24 04:10:17 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_188.5_2.5 188.53049 2.50149 250.0 1.161 2017-08-02 01:04:29 quality
1 0 2017-03-24 04:15:17 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_188.5_2.5 188.53745 2.52510 250.0 1.155 2017-08-02 01:02:37 quality
1 0 2017-03-24 04:20:16 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_188.5_2.5 188.51658 2.45427 250.0 1.149 2017-08-02 01:03:13 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 04:17:38 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_191.5_2.5 191.53189 2.47788 250.0 1.162 2017-08-01 20:48:45 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 04:22:33 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_191.5_2.5 191.53885 2.50149 250.0 1.156 2017-08-01 20:46:56 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 04:27:32 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_191.5_2.5 191.54581 2.52510 250.0 1.150 2017-08-01 20:47:46 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 04:56:31 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_191.5_2.5 191.52493 2.45427 250.0 1.127 2017-08-01 20:49:32 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 09:31:25 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_236.0_1.5 236.00000 1.48901 250.0 1.179 2017-08-05 13:43:17 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 09:36:20 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_236.0_1.5 236.00684 1.51248 250.0 1.189 2017-08-05 13:43:57 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 09:41:18 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_236.0_1.5 236.01382 1.53608 250.0 1.199 2017-08-05 13:45:14 quality
1 0 2017-03-25 09:46:17 ESO_CCD_#87 KIDS_236.0_1.5 235.99288 1.46527 250.0 1.209 2017-08-05 13:44:36 quality

is_valid quality_flags DATE_OBS Chip OBJECT RA DEC EXPTIME AIRMASS creation_date Quality
16 Derived SatelliteMap
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:47:15 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:48:12 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:49:05 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:49:55 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:02:51 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:03:29 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:04:07 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:04:43 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:30:58 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:31:39 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:32:25 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:33:12 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:43:33 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:44:12 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:44:51 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:45:28 quality

is_valid quality_flags DATE_OBS Chip OBJECT RA DEC EXPTIME AIRMASS creation_date Quality
16 Derived CosmicMap
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:47:05 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:48:02 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:48:56 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-01 20:49:46 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:02:45 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:03:22 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:04:00 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 01:04:36 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:30:51 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:31:32 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:32:15 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-02 02:33:03 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:43:25 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:44:05 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:44:44 quality
1 0   ESO_CCD_#87           2017-08-05 13:45:22 quality